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I love to write articles to educate folks about blockchain and crypto in my free time, and you can check some samples of mu work here.
The 3 Best Alternatives That Can Be Strong Opponents to Ethereum

Ethereum is holding top rank two by replacing Ripple, and it becomes possible because of growth in Ethereum adoption. There were many coins on rank two but none permanent, which shows that it may be possible that Ethereum can get replaced by other innovative coins. (Read more)
What Is True Blockchain Interoperability?

If you are in the crypto world, then the word "blockchain interoperability" may familiar to you because there are so many projects are gaining publicity and funds from investors by using this term, and many projects like Chainlink, Cosmos, Polkadot, and Wanchain are claiming to give true blockchain interoperability. So in this article, we will discuss about these projects and try to understand what kind of blockchain interoperability they are giving and what benefits we can get because of blockchain interoperability? (Read more)
Understanding The New Auction Theory And New Auction Formats By Nobel Prize Winners, 2020

Paul R. Milgrom: Paul Milgrom is the Shirley and Leonard Ely professor of Humanities and Sciences in the Department of Economics at Stanford University and professor, by courtesy, at both the Department of Management Science and Engineering and the Graduate School of Business and economic advisor at Algorand Blockchain project. (Read mere)
The Undeniable Importance Of Climate-Neutral Blockchains

If you are the person who doesn't t care or doesn't have any idea, why should a Blockchain be climate neutral? Then stick with this article, and I'm sure you will start caring about this soon, so let's start with an example.(Read more)
Analyzing Asynchronous Binary Byzantine Agreement (ABBA) Consensus on SKALE Blockchain
The Internet consists of three parts: creators, consumers, and servers where creators who build websites, apps, content, services, etc. then store it on the servers and later, consumers consume according to their need. But what if servers go down or failed? (Read more)
What Makes A Language Suitable For Writing Smart Contracts?

Universal languages like Javascript, C++, Java, and SQL can help you to write a smart contract but a developer with knowledge of universal languages is only one component of a smart contract where smart contracts need a platform for execution.(Read more)